Questions? Just ask.
We have included some of the most frequently asked questions here.
If your question is not included, please reach out and we will answer as quickly as possible.
PICA (Parry Island Cottagers’ Association) is a volunteer, not for profit organization representing the member cottagers located in the subdivision on the north-west corner of Parry Island.
PICA’s membership is comprised of any cottager (one per lot) who has paid their membership dues ($50 per year) to the PICA board of directors.
Please contact our Membership Director to become a member.
Current dues are $50 per year and you can email your payment to, or mail it to: PICA, Box 686, Parry Sound ON P2A 2Z1
PICA’s activities are run by a volunteer Board of Directors. There are no paid positions. The board meets 3 to 4 times per year and is governed by a constitution that was put in place in 1993 and subsequently updated in 2022. PICA holds an Annual General Meeting each year. All members of PICA are welcome to attend this meeting.